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Ακαδημαϊκή έρευνα / Δημοσιεύσεις

  • Εκπόνησε τη Διδακτορική του Διατριβή στην Ιατρική Σχολή του Παν/μίου των Αθηνών σε συνεργασία με την Α' Χειρουργική Κλινική Παν/μίου Αθηνών (ΠΓΝΑ «ΛΑΪΚΟ») και έλαβε τον ανώτατο βαθμό «?ριστα». Ο τίτλος ήταν: "Μεταβολές της ευαισθησίας των τασεοϋποδοχέων του αυτονόμου νευρικού συστήματος, σε ασθενείς μετά από καρωτιδική ενδαρτηρεκτομή και συσχέτιση των ευρημάτων με τα υπερηχογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά της καρωτιδικής πλάκας". Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης έχουν δημοσιευθεί στο εγκυρότερο Αμερικάνικο Αγγειοχειρουργικό περιοδικό "Journal of Vascular Surgery (2011 και 2012)".

  • Ερευνητής στην διεθνή πολυκεντρική μελέτη TAMARIS στο Αττικό Παν/κό Νοσοκομείο από 6/2010 έως 7/2011 (μελέτη αγγειογενετικών παραγόντων στην κρίσιμη ισχαιμία των κάτω άκρων).

Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις

  • Tsekouras NS, Comerota AJ. Current trends in treatment of venous thoracic outlet syndrome: a comprehensive review. Interventional Cardiology 2013 (accepted for publication). Review.

  • Tsekouras NS, Whalen R, Comerota AJ. Lumbar artery pseudoaneurysm in a patient with inferior vena cava filter and history of strenuous physical exercise. A case report. (J Vasc Surg, 2013 Nov 16.pii:S0741-5214(13)01802-8).

  • Tsekouras NS, Katsargyris A, Skrapari I, Bastounis EE, Georgopoulos S, Klonaris C, Bakoyiannis C, Tsekouras E. Alterations of baroreflex sensitivity after carotid endarterectomy according to the preoperative carotid plaque echogenicity. J Vasc Surg. 2012 Dec;56(6):1591-7.

  • Bakoyiannis C, Psathas E, Tsekouras N, Kafeza M, Georgopoulos S, Bastounis E, Papalambros E. Elective bypass surgery for chronic mesenteric ischemic disease: report of 3 cases and review of the literature. Int Angiol. 2011 Aug; 30(4):388-92. Review.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Kafeza M, Economopoulos KP, Tsekouras N, Georgopoulos S, Papalambros E. Manual high-dose regional intraoperative thrombolysis of lower extremity emboli after open repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Ann Vasc Surg. 2011 May 26. 2011 Oct; 25(7):981.e13-6. Epub 2011 May 28.

  • Tsekouras N, Katsargyris A, Skrapari I, Bastounis EE, Georgopoulos S, Klonaris C, Bakoyiannis C, Bastounis EA. The role of carotid plaque echogenicity in baroreflex sensitivity. J Vasc Surg. 2011 Jul;54(1):93-9, Epub 2011 Mar 31.

  • Bakoyiannis C, Tsekouras N, Georgopoulos S, Klonaris C, Bastounis EE, Filis K, Papalambros E, Bastounis E. ICU transfer after elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair can be successfully reduced with a modified protocol. A fourteen-year experience from a University Hospital. Int Angiol. 2011 Feb;30(1):43-51.

  • Tsekouras N, Avgerinos ED, Moulakakis K, Papasideris C, Giannakopoulos T, Liapis CD. Vascular surgery training and its relationship to other surgical specialties. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2011 Feb;52(1):47-51.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Tsekouras NS, Georgopoulos SE, Skrapari IC, Economopoulos KP, Tsigris C, Bastounis EA. Minilaparotomy Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in the Era of Minimally Invasive Vascular Surgery: Preliminary Results. ANZ J Surg. 2009 Oct;28(5):380-4.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Tsekouras NS, Matthaiou A, Georgopoulos SE, Economopoulos K, Bastounis EA. Guided remote endarterectomy for superficial femoral artery occlusions: a technical note. Int Angiol. 2009 Nov;79(11):829-35.

  • Griniatsos J, Damaskos S, Tsekouras N, Klonaris C, Georgopoulos S. Correlation of calcified carotid plaques detected by panoramic radiograph with risk factors for stroke development. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Oct; 108(4): 600-603.

  • Bakoyiannis C, Tsekouras N, Economopoulos K, Bastounis E. A hybrid approach using a composite endovascular and open graft in a patient with a symptomatic common femoral aneurysm extending well above the inguinal ligament. J Vasc Surg. 2008 Aug; 48(2): 461-464.

  • Klonaris C, Katsargyris A, Vasiliou I, Tsekouras N, Matthaiou A, Giannopoulos A, Bastounis E. Infected pseudoaneurysms of common femoral artery in drug addicts: The use of internal iliac artery in the arterial reconstruction. Hellenic Vascular Surgery, Quarterly Edition of the Hellenic Society of Vascular Surgery. 2008 Oct; 10-11(10-11): 325-332.

  • Damaskos S, Griniatsos J, Tsekouras N, Georgopoulos S, Klonaris C, Bastounis E, Tsiklakis K. Reliability of panoramic radiograph in carotid atheroma detection: a study in patients who fulfill the criteria for carotid endarterectomy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008 Nov; 106(5): 736-742.

  • Bakoyiannis C, Tsekouras N, Georgopoulos S, Tsigris C, Filis K, Skrapari I, Bastounis E. Can the diameter of endoluminal shunt influence the risk of hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid endarterectomy Int Angiol. 2008 Jun; 27(3): 260-265.

  • Klonaris C, Katsargyris A, Tsekouras N, Alexandrou A, Giannopoulos A, Bastounis E. Primary stenting for aortic lesions: from single stenoses to total aortoiliac occlusions. J Vasc Surg. 2008 Feb; 47(2): 310-317.

  • Klonaris C, Georgopoulos S, Katsargyris A, Tsekouras N, Bakoyiannis C, Giannopoulos A, Bastounis E. Changing patterns in the etiology of acute lower limb ischemia. Int Angiol. 2007 Mar; 26(1): 49-52.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Georgopoulos SE, Tsekouras NS, Klonaris CN, Papalambros EL, Bastounis EA. Fungal infection of aortoiliac endograft: a case report and review of the literature. Ann Vasc Surg. 2007 Mar; 21(2): 228-231.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Georgopoulos SE, Tsekouras NS, Klonaris CN, Skrapari IC, Pikoulis E, Felekouras E, Leppaniemi A, Bastounis EA. Simultaneous surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm and bilateral aneurysms of the internal iliac artery. Acta Chir Belg. 2006 Nov; 106(6): 675-678.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Georgopoulos SE, Tsekouras NS, Klonaris CN, Skrapari IC, Papalambros EL, Bastounis EA. Surgical management of extracranial internal carotid aneurysms by cervical approach. ANZ J Surg. 2006 Jul; 76(7): 612-617.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Georgopoulos SE, Tsekouras NS, Klonaris CN, Xiromeritis KN, Bastounis EA. Simultaneous venous gangrene in both lower and upper limbs. A case report. Int Angiol. 2006 Mar; 25(1): 90-92.

  • Bakoyiannis KC, Georgopoulos SE, Klonaris CN, Tsekouras NS, Felekouras ES, Pikoulis EA, Griniatsos JE, Papalambros EL, Bastounis EA. Surgical treatment of carotid body tumors without embolization. Int Angiol. 2006 Mar; 25(1): 40-45.

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

  • Tsekouras NS, Comerota AJ. Thrombolytic therapy for venous thromboembolism: What do we do when anticoagulation is not enough?. In: Rao GHR, Kalodiki E, Leong W, Fareed J, eds. Clinical Handbook for the Management of Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy in Venous Thromboembolism. New Delhi, India; KontentWorx; in press.

  • Tsekouras NS, Comerota AJ. Phlegmasia cerulea dolens. In: Dean S, Satiani B, eds. Color Atlas and Synopsis of Vascular Medicine. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill;2013.

  • Tsekouras NS. (2009). Vascular System. In John L. Cameron (for the English 9th Edition), E. Papalambros (for the Greek Edition) (Ed.), Current Surgical Therapy (Greek Edition) (pp. 731-764(En. Edition)). Athens, Greece. Paschalidis Medical Publications.

  • Bakoyiannis CN, Tsekouras NS. (2008). Diabetic foot. In E.A. Bastounis (Chairman of 1st Surgical Department, Athens University, School of Athens) (Ed.), Surgery (3rd Edition, in Greek Language) (pp. 1586-1591). Athens, Greece. Litsas Medical Books, ISBN: 978-960-372-118-5.

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